Information for NYU Women’s Health Study Researchers
The NYU Women’s Health Study in NYU Langone’s Department of Population Health has amassed a rich collection of data and biospecimens that can be used in collaborative research with other investigators.
NYU Women’s Healthy Study Data Sharing Policies
We welcome applications from researchers to maximize the use of the cohort’s data and specimens for research on the epidemiology and prevention of cancer and other diseases. Our data sharing policies are outlined below.
Requesting Data and Specimens
Investigators who would like access to NYU Women’s Health Study data or biospecimens should contact Anne Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, MD, MS, co-principal investigator, at anne.jacquotte@nyulangone.org, or Yu Chen, PhD, MPH, co-principal investigator at yu.chen@nyulangone.org. Investigators should provide a brief description of their research proposal, including specific aims, rationale and significance, design and analysis plan, requested data variables, and requested type and volume of biological specimens.
Proposal Review
NYU Women’s Health Study investigators and possibly members of our external advisory board will review the proposal to determine three criteria:
- if the project can be performed in accordance with our privacy and confidentiality policies
- if the project is of substantial interest and feasible
- if the project includes plans to cover anticipated costs (such as biospecimen retrieval, aliquoting, and shipping and database preparation)
Applicants receive a response within two weeks of submitting a request.
Collaborative Agreements
If the proposal is approved, one of the NYU Women’s Health Study investigators is named to work with the external researcher to facilitate the research.
Investigators must act according to terms in the Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) or Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). Use of data and specimens from the NYU Women’s Health Study cohort is limited to the specific aims for which approval was obtained. If further research or analytic activities develop out of the original project, approval from the NYU Women’s Health Study principal investigator is required, and amendments to the DTA/MTA may be required.
Grant Applications
Preliminary data that are needed to prepare a grant application are provided to the external researcher. A draft of the grant proposal should be submitted to the collaborating NYU Women’s Health Study investigator at least two weeks before the application due date.
Authorship Policy
All manuscripts must be reviewed and approved by the NYU Women’s Health Study investigator (or investigators) with coauthor status on the manuscript, and by the principal investigator of the NYU Women’s Health Study, before the manuscript is submitted for publication.