Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Research
At NYU Langone’s Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center, we actively enroll adult participants in clinical trials. Participation may involve testing new treatments or observing treatment outcomes over time. We have studies to test biomarkers of multiple sclerosis (MS) through neuroimaging, collecting biospecimen samples, or with measures of cognitive or motor functioning, including from home.
Many of our clinical trials focus on advancing treatments for MS. We are recruiting patients who are starting new drugs or considering add-on therapies. We also have clinical trials studying special populations in MS and related disorders. When MS begins before the age of 18, it is referred to as pediatric MS. NYU Langone’s Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Center is part of a national network of centers dedicated to better understanding how MS affects children and adolescents. Experts at the Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center diagnose, treat, and manage neuromyelitis optica (NMO), a rare spectrum disease of the central nervous system that usually affects the optic nerves, spinal cord, or both.
We also have clinical trials to better characterize MS and manage its symptoms. This includes new and advanced measures of early cognitive involvement and its relationship to different features of MS. Using neuroimaging, we can better understand how the MS disease process causes cognitive impairment. We also have a clinical and research program in the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and other types of noninvasive brain stimulation therapies. Our research focuses on ways that this treatment may be most effectively used to help those living with MS and other neurologic disorders, including accessing tDCS from home.
For more information about research in the Division of Multiple Sclerosis, call our research team at 646-501-7511 or email nyumsresearch@nyulangone.org.