Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trials
Clinical trials led by investigators in NYU Langone’s Division of Multiple Sclerosis advance our ability to provide evidence-based, personalized care for adults and children with multiple sclerosis.
Advancing Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
Traditional Versus Early Aggressive Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis (TREAT-MS) Trial
Principal investigator: Lana Zhovtis Ryerson, MD
A Multicenter, Longitudinal, Open-Label, Single-Arm Study Describing Cognitive Processing Speed Changes in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Subjects Treated with Ozanimod (ENLIGHTEN)
Principal investigator: Lana Zhovtis Ryerson, MD
Studies in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis
Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases Database
Principal investigator: Lauren B. Krupp, MD
Diet and Relapses in Pediatric MS
Principal investigator: Lauren B. Krupp, MD
A Study of Endeavor, a Video-Game Based Cognitive Remediation, in the Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Population
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Health Evaluation Allostatic Load Multiple Sclerosis (HEAL-MS)
Principal investigator: Lauren B. Krupp, MD
Characterizing Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Partners Advancing Technology and Health Solutions (MS PATHS) Demonstration Project
Principal investigator: Lauren B. Krupp, MD
NYU Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center Patient Research and Biospecimen Registry for Future Research
Principal investigator: Ilya Kister, MD
Mesoscopic Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration and Inflammation with Diffusion
Principal investigator: Els D. Fieremans, PhD
Heart Rate Variability in Multiple Sclerosis: An Observational Study
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Intra-Individual Variability in Cognitive Performance as a Marker of Prodromal Disability in MS
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Intra-Individual Variability (IIV) as Prodromal Marker of Early Diagnosis in Multiple Sclerosis
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Studies for Multiple Sclerosis Symptom Management
A Pilot, Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Study of the Combined Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) andnd Physical Activity on Gait and Functional Mobility in Participants with Multiple Sclerosis
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
An Open Label Pilot Study to Investigate the Effect of Transcranial Rotating Permanent Magnetic Stimulation (TRPMS) on Gait, Balance, and Depression in People with Multiple Sclerosis
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Neuroimaging and tDCS
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
A Telehealth tDCS Approach to Decrease Cannabis Use: Towards Reducing Multiple Sclerosis Disability
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Cognitive Remediation Augmented with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Heart Rate Variability In Multiple Sclerosis: An observational study
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
A Wearable Remote Data Capture Solution for Home-Based Gait Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
Studies in Other Conditions Through the tDCS Program
FDA Depression
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
A Pilot Study of the Immediate Effects of DLFPC tDCS on Attention Bias in Depression
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD
A Telehealth tDCS Approach to Decrease Cannabis Use: Towards Reducing Multiple Sclerosis Disability
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD