Center for Psychedelic Medicine in the Media | NYU Langone Health

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Center for Psychedelic Medicine Center for Psychedelic Medicine in the Media

Center for Psychedelic Medicine in the Media

Read articles, watch videos, and listen to podcasts featuring faculty and research from NYU Langone’s Center for Psychedelic Medicine.

JAMA Online: Single-Dose Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial

Read the results of a large clinical trial of psilocybin-assisted therapy for major depressive disorder. Fun fact: NYU Langone enrolled 19 percent of the participants for this multisite trial: the highest number of any of the other sites.

The Microdose: Does Adding MDMA to Psilocybin or LSD Result in Fewer Bad Trips?

In this newsletter from the UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics, read about our recent research on the effects of combining two common types of psychedelics. A collaboration with the team at Imperial College London’s Centre for Psychedelic Research, the study was led by center member Richard Zeifman, PhD.

MAPS Bulletin: Psychedelic Research Finds a Home in Academia

Learn from Ali McGhee, center director Michael P. Bogenschutz, MD, and others about how NYU Langone and other academic institutions across the country are training the next generation of psychedelic researchers and clinicians, including through our Psychedelic Research Training Program and tri-institutional consortium with Yale University and Johns Hopkins University.

Los Angeles Times on Ketamine, the “Legal Psychedelic”

Learn more about ketamine-assisted psychotherapy in this newsletter from Los Angeles Times reporter Laura Newberry. In this piece, the third in a series on psychedelic medicine, Kelley O’Donnell, MD, PhD, and others discuss how ketamine is used within and outside the context of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, and the various strengths and limitations of different treatment models.

Informed Consent in Psychedelic Therapy Research: Why Is It Complicated?

Watch the replay of this lively roundtable discussion from an event sponsored by Chacruna in partnership with the Project on Psychedelics Law and Regulation at the Petrie-Flom Center at Harvard Law School. The panel featured Kelley O’Donnell, MD, PhD, the center’s director of clinical training, and colleagues as they discuss the topic of consent in psychedelic therapy.

New York Times: Psilocybin Therapy Sharply Reduces Excessive Drinking

Read coverage in the New York Times (log in required) about our landmark study of psilocybin-assisted therapy for alcohol use disorder, led by Michael P. Bogenschutz, MD, center director and the principal investigator on the multisite trial.

Business Insider: Universities Are Teaming Up to Tackle a Key Bottleneck

Learn about the tri-institutional consortium bringing together clinicians and researchers at NYU Langone, Yale University, and Johns Hopkins University, to generate psychedelics-related curricular content for the next generation of psychiatrists in the coming age of psychedelic medicine.

Time Magazine: Psilocybin Could Be a Therapeutic Breakthrough for Addiction

Learn more about how psychedelics are entering mainstream medicine, in part through the research of Michael P. Bogenschutz, MD, center director.

Everyday Health: What Are Psychedelic Drugs, and How Can They Help Treat Mental Illness?

Read an introduction to psychedelics and psychedelic medicine, featuring the center’s Kelley O’Donnell, MD, PhD, as well as other prominent psychedelic researchers.

Psychology Today: Wholeness and Healing in Psychedelic Therapy

Read this Psychology Today profile to learn more about the work of Kelley O’Donnell, MD, PhD, who is the director of clinical training at the center and one of our most experienced psychedelic therapists.

The New Yorker: The Trip Treatment

Learn more about psychedelic experiences and research in this piece from The New Yorker, in which Michael Pollan quotes Stephen Ross, MD, associate director of the center, and discusses some of the groundbreaking studies led by him and by Michael P. Bogenschutz, MD, center director.

New York Times: Psilocybin for Cancer-Associated Anxiety and Depression

Read New York Times coverage of our 2016 paper on psilocybin-assisted therapy for cancer-associated anxiety and depression, and learn more about participants’ experiences.

PRN: MindMed Partners with NYU Langone Medical Center to Launch Groundbreaking Training Program for Psychedelic Therapies and Medicines

Learn more about how MindMed sponsored our Psychedelic Medicine Research Training Program for early-career researchers.