Maternal Fetal Medicine Advanced Elective | NYU Langone Health

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Elective Catalog Maternal Fetal Medicine Advanced Elective

Maternal Fetal Medicine Advanced Elective

Preceptor: Young Mi Lee, M.D.
Course Code: 07-04
Contact: Angela Sarkisyan,

Prerequisites: Clerkship in OB/GYN


Maternal mortality rates in the United States have more than doubled over the last two decades. Additionally, prominent racial disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality exist across the nation. In New York City, Black women and birthing individuals are 12 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than their White counterparts.

Based in the heart of New York City, our elective in high-risk obstetrics offers exposure to a multitude of maternal and fetal conditions in high-risk obstetrics. This elective is designed for students who have demonstrated a strong interest in racial health disparities and a desire to incorporate public health strategies into their future practice as an obstetrician–gynecologist.

The sub-internship elective will involve rotations in high-risk clinic, labor and delivery, and the ultrasound unit at Bellevue Hospital. Additional weekly conferences are held in perinatal medicine, obstetrics, and current research respectively. The student will work closely with house staff and fellows in the Division of Maternal–Fetal Medicine.

This year the department will offer scholarships to accommodate students completing the health disparities electives in maternal–fetal medicine and gynecologic oncology.

If interested in completing one of the two health disparities electives, please describe your relevant experience and commitment to addressing health disparities and the needs of underserved populations in obstetrics and gynecology in 200 words or less.

Objectives of the Elective

The student will understand the principles of prenatal diagnosis and care of high risk gravidas.

Key Responsibilities of the Student While on Elective

  1. Attendance at all conferences, lectures and consultations by the High Risk Service.
  2. Attendance at the High Risk Clinics and Prenatal Diagnostic Unit.
  3. Scrub on all complex cases.
  4. Night call on Labor & Delivery is available.
  5. PowerPoint presentation at Division Meeting.
  6. Keep a log of all patients seen in the rotation.

Didactic Program:

Bedside Rounds with MFM Attending, Fellow and Residents
Monday, 7am
Morning Report in L&D, MFM fellows didactic lecture, Multi-disciplinary High Risk Clinic meeting followed High Risk Clinic in the afternoon
Resident Clinical Case Presentations
Tuesday, 7am
M&M Conference, followed then by ultrasound, clinic or L&D coverage
Grand rounds
Wednesday, 8am High Risk Clinic
Thursday, 7am Morning Report in L&D, High Risk Clinic followed by Ultrasound or L&D coverage in the afternoon
Friday, 7am Morning Report in L&D, OB Journal Club, followed then by ultrasound, clinic or L&D coverage
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
AM Rounds Rounds Rounds Rounds Rounds
AM MFM lecture BH Conf Grand Rounds BH HRC OB Journal Club
AM HRC meeting L&D BH HRC Clinic None L&D
AM Resident Clinical Case Presentations Ultrasound None None None
PM Gouv HRC Clinic BH HRC Ultrasound Ultrasound
PM Gouv HRC Clinic BH HRC L&D Ultrasound
PM None Grand Rounds None None None

Method of Evaluation

Fellows and Attendings evaluate the student. No exam is given, but the overall grade is given as a pass/fail, based on clinical performance and presentation at the Division Meeting. Home school evaluation forms are submitted to the course preceptor.

Scheduling Information

Months Offered: Aug-Nov, Jan-Feb
Report to: Program Coordinator will provide scheduling details at least two weeks prior to the start of the elective.
Students per Period: 1
Duration: 4 weeks

Note: For this specific elective, visiting student applications will be processed through AAMC’s Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program. The VSLO Application Service (aka VSAS) enables students to browse and apply for this elective.