Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Elective
Preceptor: Sarah Cascante, MD
Contact: Angela Sarkisyan,
Prerequisites: Clerkship in OB/GYN
The purpose of this elective is to introduce the student to the clinical and research aspects of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI). Each student will work closely with REI attendings and fellows in patient evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. Students will observe patient consultations, ultrasounds, egg retrievals, embryo transfers, surgeries, and embryology procedures. Students will also have the opportunity to work on a research project, attend the weekly fellow didactic sessions, and give a presentation on an REI topic at the conclusion of the rotation. This elective is only open to students who have completed their clerkship in OB/GYN, and will not be offered to visiting students.
Objectives of the Elective
The student will learn about reproductive endocrinology, infertility work-up and diagnosis, ovulation induction, in vitro fertilization, and fertility preservation (both egg freezing and embryo banking). The student will also have the opportunity to be involved in research.
Key Responsibilities of the student while on Elective
- Observe patient consultations and ultrasounds at NYU Fertility Center
- Observe egg retrievals and embryo transfers
- Spend time in the embryology lab
- See patients at the Bellevue Infertility clinic
- Work on REI research
- Attend weekly fellow didactic sessions
- Give a didactic presentation to the fellows and Dr. Cascante
Didactic Program
Monday: Bellevue clinic (every other week) or Embryology lab (every other week)
Tuesday: Patient consultations at NYU fertility center, weekly fellow didactics in the afternoon
Wednesday: Observe egg retrievals and embryo transfers at NYU fertility center
Thursday: Patient consultations at NYU fertility center
Friday: Morning monitoring (ultrasounds) at NYU fertility center followed by research in the afternoon
Method of evaluation
REI attendings and fellows evaluate the student. The grade is given as a pass/fail, based on clinical performance, contribution to research projects, and/or presentations. No exam is given.
Scheduling Information
Months offered: February, April, September
Report to: Students should e-mail at least two weeks prior to the start of the rotation for logistics.
Students per Period: 1
Duration: 4 weeks