Fresco Basic Science Research Grants Program | NYU Langone Health

Fresco Institute International Program Fresco Basic Science Research Grants Program

Fresco Basic Science Research Grants Program

The Fresco Basic Science Research Grants Program encourages early career scientists to pursue basic research to improve our understanding of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders, with the goal of helping develop and support the medical and scientific community in Italy working in this area. This program is specifically focused on encouraging outstanding and innovative early career scientists who are pursuing basic science questions related to Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders, and moving these scientists into a more independent role.

Each Fresco Basic Science Research Grant supports a three-year postdoctoral fellowship or equivalent appointment in one of the centers in the Fresco Network or in any other center that is performing innovative and excellence research in Parkinson’s disease in Italy.

Applicant Eligibility

This program is for postdoctoral fellows or junior faculty who hold a PhD, MD, or equivalent degree and have full-time employment at a university in Italy conducting research relevant to Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders. Applicants should be within 10 years of receiving their highest degree.

Exceptions to the eligibility requirements, such as non-university research support or extension to the 10-year eligibility limit due to family care or illness, must be requested at least 10 days before the deadline for submissions.

Application Details

We award up to two Fresco Basic Science Research Grants per year. Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • propose to conduct research to advance knowledge into the biological mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease or a model providing insight relevant to Parkinson’s disease with a clear link to Parkinson’s disease explained in the application
  • dedicate 20 percent or more of his or her full-time effort to the research
  • name a mentor for the project who is a senior scientist (he or she may be at another institution)

The application must include a letter of support from the mentor stating that the mentor agrees to serve as an advisor and guide only, and that the study design and its execution will be under the independent direction of the applicant.

Applicants will be evaluated based on assessment of the following criteria:

  • demonstrate academic and scientific excellence in basic research in the field of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, including a proven track record of first-authored, peer-reviewed publications
  • propose an achievable, rigorous three-year research plan that, if successful, will improve our understanding of the basic science of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders
  • name quality mentorship within the designated Fresco Parkinson Institute Center, including a mentoring committee of more established investigators
  • be part of an institutional environment conducive to the proposed research program, including a commitment to the proposed research plan and to his or her future scientific career

Award Details

Grants are made to each successful applicant’s designated center with the intent that the center will use these funds to support the applicant’s salary and research needs related to the submitted proposal, according to the complete terms and conditions provided in the official grant award agreement. Each grant is $100,000, and funds will be dispersed on an annual basis to each awardee’s center, subject to continued satisfactory performance as assessed from semiannual progress reports submitted by the awardee to the Fresco Institute.

No indirect costs or overhead will be paid from the grant. The first payment will be disbursed upon return of the executed grant award agreement. If the proposed work can no longer be conducted by the awardee at the center, the center may be required to return any over-payments to the Fresco Institute, as detailed in the grant award agreement. All the funds need to be utilized in Italy exclusively.

Awardees will be required to submit semiannual progress reports, a report from his or her mentoring committee, and an institutional financial statement to the Fresco Institute including a report of effort for any individuals receiving support from the grant, according to the schedule stated in the grant award agreement. The semiannual report must be sufficiently detailed for the Fresco Institute to appreciate the research findings and achievements, use of funds, and career progression of the early career scientist awardee. The Fresco Institute reserves the right to request clarification of any ambiguities in any report or statement.

Application and Submission Information

Section What to include: Page Limits

Research Plan

  1. Specific Aims (1 page)
  2. Background and significance of the proposed work, including its relevance to and potential impact on our understanding of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders (1-2 pages)
  3. Detailed explanation of experiments proposed, hypotheses to be tested, and anticipated results (3-4 pages)



  1. Narrative Budget Justification (salary support, supplies, equipment, and other expenses to support research and laboratory activities)
  2. Annual Budgets


Candidate’s Background, Previous Research Accomplishments, and Career Goals

  1. Relevant educational and research background that prepares you to succeed with the proposed research plan including a description of your two most significant first author publications
  2. Your long-term research and career objectives


Professional Development and Mentoring Plan

The primary research mentor must provide a statement that provides:

  1. Information of his/her experience as a supervisor
  2. A mentoring plan that includes a description of the mentoring committee that will provide guidance to the applicant
  3. A description of the previous, current and proposed activities to attain the necessary research experience and professional development to launch the applicant into an independent research career


Institutional Support Letter

The center must provide a statement that includes:

  1. Description of research facilities, equipment, other resources, and training opportunities that will be available for the candidate’s research and career development
  2. Details of how the center will support the advancement of the applicant’s career toward an eventual independent and permanent faculty position


Curriculum Vitae

Applicant CV, including education, research positions, publications, and other relevant professional history



Names and contact information for two scientists who can provide letters of support
Instruct your letter writers to provide confidential letters of support to and (cc: with your name in the subject line.


Application Deadline

The deadline to apply to the Fresco Basic Science Research Grants Program is September 30, 2019. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications before the due date. Applications should be submitted in English. Applicants are responsible for reviewing their application for accuracy and completeness before submission.

Applications should be emailed to and with a copy sent to

All applications undergo an administrative and scientific review by a committee appointed by Fresco Institute leadership, which also considers overall funder priorities. The evaluation is based on the criteria noted above.

We anticipate announcing awards by November 15, 2019, with the earliest possible start date commencing January 2020.