Radiology Subspecialty: Education Elective | NYU Langone Health

Department of Radiology Elective Catalog Radiology Subspecialty: Education Elective

Radiology Subspecialty: Education Elective

Preceptor: Matthew Young, DO
Course Code: 15-12
Contact: Evelyn Espinosa,
Telephone: (212) 263-6737

Prerequisite: None


This elective offered to all medical students after completing the 18-month core curriculum as an introduction to education based upon Radiology imaging. The student will participate with faculty members in varied general and specialty disciplines. The projects may be in formal learning instructional materials, information technology (IT) as applied to Radiology, interdisciplinary with other departments, learning formats in total class level, small group, and individual interactive formats. The student will be assigned to develop, edit and create web based instructional materials. The subject area will be decided by the course director based upon the background skill of the student and student education goals.

Objectives of the Elective

  1. The elective is structured to develop and amplify the skills of the student in learning the varied formats of instructional programs. This may well be based on prior experiences in the first two years of medical school. The student will develop an understanding of the various learning methods including formal lectures, small group learning, problem solving exercises, out sourced resources such as dedicated imaging web sites, instructional CD's, and information retention assessment and testing.
  2. The student will develop an understanding of the varied methods on instruction/learning, including performing literature searches to gain sufficient background in the instructional techniques. The student will become skilled in the use of computer based techniques such as Power Point, computer assisted design, and other appropriate digital networks. Familiarity with the Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) resources of the clinical care sites is a necessity for image materials. Working closely with the specialty section and course director, the student will gain experience in teaching methodology.

Key Responsibilities of the student while on Elective

  1. Actively participate in the reviewing, modifying, and creating instructional material
  2. Attend seminars, lectures, conferences, and workshops as appropriate to the project
  3. Provide formal reports to the specialty sections and course director regarding the status of the projects

Didactic Program

The instruction in education will be primarily a one-on-one with the course director and assignment to specific specialty divisions for core material. The participation in Departmental and institutional activities (e.g., Academic Computing) are required. The attendance at the daily mid day Radiology Resident's Conference is elective.

Method of Evaluation

Students are evaluated on the basis of attendance, interest, participation, medical/radiology knowledge, productivity and integrity by the course director

Scheduling Information

Months offered: All Year
Report to: 9 AM Student Learning Lab (OBH C&D Bldg. Room D-120)
Students per period: 1 to 2
Duration: 4 weeks that can be extended to eight.

All Visiting Students: see Specialty Rotation introduction for instructions.