Faculty Policies & Resources | NYU Langone Health

For Faculty Faculty Policies & Resources

Faculty Policies & Resources

We provide access to key policies and resources for faculty at NYU Langone.

Faculty Governance Policies

Bylaws of New York University

Faculty Council (Kerberos ID and password required)

Faculty Handbook: New York University

Amendment to the NYU Faculty Handbook for NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policies

Policies and Procedures for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure at NYU Grossman School of Medicine

NYU Grossman School of Medicine Guidelines for Promotion on the Tenure Track or Tenure

Policy on Faculty Appointments Not on the Tenure Tracks

Overview of Career Development Expectations and Criteria for Promotion on the Non-Tenure Eligible Tracks at NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Faculty Contributions to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Assessment for Promotion

Performance Expectations for Research Faculty

Policy on Performance Expectations for Research Faculty

Research-Related Policies and Procedures

Research Resources and Policies (Kerberos ID and password required)

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Clinical Research

Sponsored Programs Administration

Policy on Assignment of Academic and Research Space

NYU Langone Medical Center Ultra Low Temperature Freezer Protection Policy

Academic Policies and Resources

Report of the Committee on Expectations Regarding Teaching

Policy on Expectations Regarding Teaching

Institutional Strategic Mission on Diversity and Inclusion

Recruitment Process for Tenured/Research Faculty Overview (Kerberos ID and password required)

Policy on Authorship of Scientific and Scholarly Publications (Kerberos ID and password required)

Policy on Speaking Supported by Industry (Kerberos ID and password required)

Leaves of Absence and Sabbaticals

Faculty Sabbatical Leave Approval Process (Kerberos ID and password required)

Sabbatical Leave Process Workflow (Kerberos ID and password required)

Postdoctoral Employment

Postdoctoral Faculty Employment Process (Kerberos ID and password required)

Other Resources for Faculty

Brightspace (Kerberos ID and password required)

NYU Health Sciences Library

Faculty Housing Policy (Kerberos ID and password required)

Real Estate Development and Facilities (Kerberos ID and password required)

Human Resources (Kerberos ID and password required)

Finance (Kerberos ID and password required)

Faculty Group Practice (Kerberos ID and password required)

Policies on Conflicts of Interest, Commitment, and Consulting

Gender Transition Guidelines for Faculty, Students, and Staff (Kerberos ID and password required)

Faculty Ombuds Program (Kerberos ID and password required)


Phase I Report of the Academic Excellence Commission: Academic Performance Standards and Metrics for Basic Research and Appendices

Phase II Report of the Academic Excellence Commission: Academic Performance Standards and Metrics for Clinical Research

Phase II Report of the Academic Excellence Commission Appendices