Cancer Disease Management Groups & Centers
At Perlmutter Cancer Center, teams of researchers and physicians comprise our Disease Management Groups (DMGs) in 12 key areas. They bridge medical disciplines and areas of research dedicated to specific types of cancer.
Members meet regularly to design and implement new clinical and translational research studies and investigator-initiated early phase clinical trials, and to prioritize clinical protocols. Each Disease Management Group includes a team of program managers, regulatory specialists, and research coordinators who provide support to researchers conducting clinical trials. Their efforts ultimately benefit patients through advances in cancer diagnosis and treatments.
Disease Management Group Areas
Breast Cancer Research
Endocrine Cancer Research
Gastrointestinal Cancer Research
Genitourinary Cancer Research
Gynecologic Oncology Research
Head and Neck Cancer Research
Hematologic Malignancies Research
Melanoma Research
Neurologic Oncology Research
Pediatric Oncology Research
Sarcoma Research
Thoracic Oncology Research