Cancer Developmental Projects Program
The Developmental Projects Program at NYU Langone’s Perlmutter Cancer Center is designed to support cancer-focused research projects that address important and immediate clinical problems, have a high likelihood of generating key preliminary data leading to externally funded grants, and advance the strategic initiatives of our research programs.
We award one to two grants every year for up to $200,000 each in direct costs. Preferred projects support an investigator-initiated trial that has a high likelihood of leading to externally funded grants and supporting the strategic initiatives of Perlmutter Cancer Center’s research programs. The funds may support correlative marker studies based on investigator-initiated trials and data management and research nursing costs. Correlative studies of existing high-profile clinical trials are also of interest.
Development awards last for one year. Preference is given to projects that include a clinician and a basic scientist who would be involved in the correlative assays. One-page letter of intent pre-applications are typically due in early spring, and invited full applications are due shortly thereafter, with funding decisions made by early summer each year. In addition, there is a rolling deadline mechanism in place.
For information about this program, please contact Laura Alice, Associate Director for Grants and Research Administration, at laura.alice@nyulangone.org.