Pharmaceutical Medicine Elective
Preceptor: Stephen Kagan, MD, FACP
Coordinator: Sheila McCartin,
Tel: 404-630-8955
Course Code: 21-02
Prerequisites: None
Pharmaceutical Medicine Elective Syllabus
This elective is a full-time 4-week elective. This is a collaborative effort between the Office of Medical Education at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, and the Medical Director at Pfizer Inc.
This is a virtual elective. Each student will virtually attend core presentations and discussions that cover the essentials of medicines/vaccines development and the role of the physician in pharmaceutical medicine. The student will meet regularly with the preceptor, and the elective will culminate in a student presentation on an agreed-upon healthcare/scientific topic.
Objectives of the Elective
This elective will provide exposure to fundamental pharmaceutical medicine disciplines in theory and in practice with real life examples of day to day medical work in a global pharmaceutical company. Upon successful completion the student will be able to demonstrate understanding in the following areas:
Legislative framework in development, registration & monitoring of medicines, US and global Regulatory Agencies.
- United States Prescribing Information (USPI) - What is it and how does it come to be?
- Adverse Event reporting and Medical assessments in drug safety reporting
- Communication of safety issues
- General principles of drug development and human research conducted with adequate human subject protection and using the accepted principles of conducting research in human subjects.
- Healthcare environment of pharmaceutical medicine: legal & regulatory framework, payor structure/processes, New Integrated Delivery Network etc.
Key Responsibilities of the Student during the Elective
Adhere to the course schedule and attend all teaching sessions, class work, presentations and meetings during the full time 4-week program. Students should not miss more than one day during this elective. Students should contact regarding concerns about absences in advance of starting the elective.
- Provide, at the end of the course, a completed project, paper or presentation on a topic agreed with the preceptor.
Didactic Program
The 4-week schedule will include but will not be limited to regular 1:1 and small group teaching sessions with the preceptor and other Pfizer professionals, and the final presentation. Course materials will be provided and a presentation by the student will be required for successful completion of the elective.
Method of Evaluation
Evaluation will be based upon attendance, active participation and engagement as well as the final presentation. Based on the formative and summative evaluations received from your preceptors at Pfizer, a pass/fail grade with commentary will be assigned by the NYU Grossman School of Medicine.
Scheduling Information
Electives are offered year-round and start/end dates will be determined based on student availability as well as Pfizer capacity.
Students per period: 3
Report To: Dr. Stephen Kagan,, 404-630-8955
Duration: Four weeks full time
Offered: All year except July and August