Outpatient Ambulatory Care and Advocacy Pediatrics Elective | NYU School of Medicine | NYU Langone Health

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Department of Pediatrics Elective Catalog Outpatient Ambulatory Care and Advocacy Pediatrics Elective

Outpatient Ambulatory Care and Advocacy Pediatrics Elective

Preceptor: Nikita Nagpal, MD
Coordinator: Lakesha Baker
Contact: Nikita.Nagpal@NYULangone.org
Telephone: 347-920-1318

Prerequisites: Completion of Core Pediatrics Clerkship

Who should enroll in this elective?

Any students who are considering Pediatrics as a career

Students who are interested in general pediatrics, pediatric subspecialties, or are interested in learning more skills in pediatrics

Clinical sites

  • Bellevue outpatient
  • NYU Park Slope
  • NYU Faculty Group Practice (FGP)
  • Pediatric Associates
  • Manhattan Queens Pediatrics
  • Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, LLP


This is a 2-week elective for medical students interested in Pediatrics to get more exposure to outpatient general pediatrics. During this elective, students will have the opportunity to gain further clinical skills, knowledge, and autonomy in the outpatient setting through a wide variety of outpatient pediatric cases while interfacing with pediatricians and interdisciplinary teams at both NYU/Bellevue and throughout the city. Students will also join the departmental house staff in relevant departmental didactics, as outlined below. There will also be the opportunity to review growth and reflect on a unique advocacy topic in Pediatrics with a faculty mentor.

Objectives of the Elective

By the end of this elective, through daily contact with patients and didactics, you will:

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of general pediatrics topics, building on your pre-clerkship and clerkship experiences
  2. Expand your skills in outpatient workup and management of patients through active observation of private practice/community pediatricians
  3. Independently perform thorough history & physicals with completion of documentation for pediatric patients with supervision from residents and faculty
  4. Work alongside interdisciplinary teams to enhance communication and collaboration within a multidisciplinary team

Responsibilities of the Student While on This Elective

By enrolling in this elective, you have agreed to:

  1. Participate in at least 35 contact hours of education each week
  2. Provide communication of any excused absences to the Office of Student Affairs (excused absence form) and to the elective coordinator, in a timely fashion
  3. Arrive in a timely fashion to all locations to which you are assigned
  4. Actively participate in the care of patients in clinic, as dictated by the resident/attending
  5. Actively engage in pediatric conferences and learning opportunities (as detailed below)

Key Responsibilities of the preceptor/residents/faculty while you are on Elective

By accepting your enrollment in this elective, the preceptor agreed to:

  1. Clearly communicate their expectations of you
  2. Maintain a supportive clinical learning environment
  3. Ensure you have access to a broad case mix and clinical experience
  4. Provide the education necessary for you to gain an understanding of the patients and common pathologies seen in this field
  5. Provide feedback on your clinical skills


  • General pediatrics/advocacy topic presentation
  • Asynchronous learning with high yield review articles
  • Weekly check-in with resident and faculty mentors (review cases, provide debrief)

Weekly schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bellevue Clinic Morning Conference   Resident Morning Report AM: Resident Senior Presentation

PM: Faculty Mentor check-in

Method of Assessment

  • Clinical evaluation from residents and faculty members (consensus evaluation)
  • Review of feedback with faculty mentor

Scheduling Information

Duration: 2 weeks

Months Offered: All months except July and December

Student point of contact before start of elective: Nikita Nagpal

On Day 1, students report to: assigned location/didactic session

Students per elective block: 1-2