Pediatric Emergency Medicine Elective
Preceptor: Allison Becker, M.D.
Telephone: (212) 263-3293
Prerequisites: Pediatric Clerkship
Bellevue has recently opened a new Emergency Service, permitting optimal care for our patients in a more spacious, comfortable, efficient and well monitored setting. We see a wide spectrum of pediatric disease and trauma in the Pediatric Emergency Service. Students will function independently, while becoming familiar with history taking and the pediatric physical exam. Under the supervision of the Pediatric Emergency Service attending, they will generate a differential diagnosis and carry out a management plan.
Objectives of the Elective
We see a wide spectrum of pediatric disease in the Pediatric Emergency Department, ranging from otitis media and asthma, to multisystem trauma, child abuse, and psychiatric illness. Students will become familiar with history taking and the pediatric physical exam. They will learn to focus on the chief complaint, while simultaneously assessing the entire child and looking beyond the obvious. The goals will be to learn to differentiate between a "well child" and an "ill child", to recognize the "sick" appearing child and to learn basic pediatric acute care management.
Responsibilities of the student while on Elective
Students will be expected to see patients and perform thorough physical exams, to write up the cases, and to present the patient to the Pediatric Emergency attending. The differential diagnosis, work-up and treatment options will be discussed and management and disposition plans carried out.
Students are also expected to attend either the daily Pediatric Outpatient Conference or the Emergency Department morning rounds, as well as Pediatric Grand Rounds and/or Emergency Department Grand Rounds on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings respectively. Other didactic offerings are optional but encouraged.
- Students schedule will consist of 10-hour shifts, half during evening hours (12pm - 10pm) 4 days per week. In addition, 2 weekend shifts per four week rotation.
Didactic Program
See above conference options.
Method of Evaluation
Students will be evaluated by each attending in the Pediatric Emergency Department with whom the student works, and a summary evaluation will be sent to the Medical School Office of Registration upon request.
Scheduling Information
Months Offered: All Year
Report To : 8AM, Peds Emergency Service, Bellevue Hospital
Students Per Period: 1
Duration: 4 Weeks