Department of Medicine Faculty Teaching Opportunities | NYU Langone Health

Department of Medicine Faculty Development Department of Medicine Faculty Teaching Opportunities

Department of Medicine Faculty Teaching Opportunities

In NYU Langone’s Department of Medicine, we offer our faculty many opportunities to teach medical students, residents, and fellows.

We encourage you to learn more about teaching roles and to contribute to areas where your skills are best suited.

Science and Skills for Medicine

The Science and Skills for Medicine course, offered during the preclerkship stage of our MD curriculum, provides medical students with the core foundational knowledge they need to become clinician–scientists.

We have opportunities for course leaders and seminar instructors to teach a basic science curriculum that includes physiology, pathophysiology, and mechanisms of disease. Contact Pamela Rosenthal, MD, course director, at for more information.

Practice of Medicine

The Practice of Medicine (POM) module teaches first- and second-year medical students core clinical skills, including communication, interview and physical examination skills, clinical reasoning, epidemiology, and other important aspects of practicing medicine. There are several POM module teaching positions available. Contact Ruth M. Crowe, MD, PhD, module director, at for more information.

Preceptor for the Patient Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience

Preceptors in the Patient Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience, known as PLACE, provide medical students with valuable early experiences in ambulatory care clinical medicine. As a preceptor, you host one or two first-year medical students per academic year during four sessions of two hours each.

This is primarily a shadowing experience, as students observe you in your outpatient clinical setting. They welcome the opportunity to practice clinical skills they have learned during the POM module, with your supervision, whenever possible. You serve as a role model, answer questions, and provide feedback.

Clinical Epidemiology Seminar Instructor

Seminar instructors for the Clinical Epidemiology course lead 2 lectures of 90 minutes each for medical students per academic year. Seminars consist of patient cases and introduce students to clinical epidemiology and the process of critically appraising medical literature. The role requires five hours of preparatory time for a total time commitment of eight hours.

Practice of Medicine Seminar Instructor

The Practice of Medicine seminar is an integral part of the POM module. Seminar instructors make up the core faculty for first- and second-year medical students. In this role, you lead workshops and objective structured clinical examinations, review videotaped simulated patient encounters, critique formal student presentations, and facilitate small group seminars.

This position requires a total time commitment of 144 hours each academic year. Half of the time is spent in 36 sessions of 2 hours each with students, and the other 72 hours are allotted for preparatory and administrative tasks, which include attending a weekly faculty meeting.

Core Medicine Clerkship Instructor

Core Medicine Clerkship instructors work with medical students during their clerkship year. You instruct students in diagnostic and therapeutic processes at the bedside, paying special attention to basic scientific principles. Contact Michael LoCurcio, MD, clerkship director, at for more information.

Student Teaching Attending Physician

Student teaching attendings provide guidance for a group of three to four medical students. Your role includes modeling professional behavior, observing students’ performance as they take patient histories and perform physical examinations, reviewing student write-ups, and explaining the underlying pathophysiology of patient conditions.

Faculty members meet with students in an inpatient setting for 90 minutes, 3 times per week for 4 weeks. Your responsibilities include providing feedback, grading student write-ups, reviewing and correcting a written assignment, performing student evaluations, and attending orientation and the end-of-clerkship breakfast.

The total time commitment for this role is 48 hours, with half of the time spent directly with students and the other half spent on administrative tasks.

Firm Chief

Firm chiefs are experienced educators who head up groups, called firms, of medical students taking the Core Medicine Clerkship. Firms are named in honor of distinguished faculty members. Firm chiefs are appointed by Steven Abramson, MD, Department of Medicine chair.

As a firm chief, you mentor students during and after their clerkship experience, write letters of recommendation for residency applications, share teaching ideas, and coordinate changes to the curriculum with clerkship directors and the associate chair of medicine.

Team Teaching Attending Physician

Team teaching attending physicians oversee inpatient medical care at NYU Langone and educate residents, interns, and medical students during the Core Medicine Clerkship.

During inpatient rounds on the wards, inpatient physicians teach team members how to diagnose and treat patients. This includes observing patient examinations and case presentations and providing team members with feedback and structured evaluations of their performance.

This role involves a time commitment of 80 hours over a 4-week block, with an additional 24 hours allotted for administrative and preparatory tasks.

Ambulatory Care Clerkship

During the Ambulatory Care Clerkship, faculty members instruct medical students in the outpatient setting and review the principles of practicing adult primary care. There are several Ambulatory Care Clerkship teaching opportunities available. Contact Michael Tanner, MD, clerkship director, at for more information.

Ambulatory Care Mentor

The ambulatory care mentor provides guidance to one second- or third-year medical student during the Ambulatory Care Clerkship, reviewing the student’s learning plan, observing patient histories and physical examinations, revising student write-ups, and completing a performance evaluation.

This role involves a time commitment of 10 hours, half of which is spent working directly with the student and half of which is allotted for administrative and preparatory tasks.

Ambulatory Care Preceptor

Ambulatory care preceptors oversee the students’ experience in individual outpatient clinical sessions. You select which patients the students evaluates, listen to the students present the clinical case, and provide feedback. A typical session lasts three hours, with the student evaluating one or two patients per session.

The time commitment for this role varies from a single session to as many as 12 sessions each month and requires 3 hours of administrative and preparatory tasks per session.

Clerkship Site Director

In this administrative role, Ambulatory Care Clerkship site directors coordinate preceptors and mentors at NYU Langone clinical sites. The time commitment varies depending on the number of students, preceptors, and mentors per site but can range from 5 to 40 hours per academic year.

Objective Standardized Clinical Examination Observer

The objective standardized clinical examination (OSCE) assesses clinical competence and bedside manner. It is designed to simulate actual clinical environments and test a wide range of skills. The OSCE observers evaluate medical students during their OSCEs.

During an OSCE, students cycle through a series of stations, where they encounter “patients” in different standardized medical scenarios and are evaluated on the basis of their ability to conduct patient interviews, perform examinations, and propose treatments.

The time commitment for the observer role is two to three hours per month, with an additional hour for administrative and preparatory tasks.

Conference Leader

Conference leaders deliver lectures on topics related to the Ambulatory Care Clerkship curriculum or provide guidance on patient cases to a group of 20 students.

The time commitment is one hour of face time with students and an additional five hours for administrative and preparatory tasks.

Critical Care Clerkship

During the Critical Care Clerkship, faculty introduce medical students to caring for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and the cardiac intensive care unit (CCU) through lectures, workshops, simulations, and instruction in direct service tasks. There are several teaching opportunities available. Contact Norma M. Keller, MD, clerkship director, at for more information.

Student Teaching Attending Physician

The student teaching attending physician instructs medical students in how to care for critically ill patients in the ICU and CCU. You assess students’ ability to elicit patient histories, perform physical examinations, and interpret laboratory and radiographic test results. You also evaluate their ability to present patient information cohesively, synthesize the information into a diagnosis, and communicate the general goals of care.

Other responsibilities include modeling professional behavior, reviewing underlying disease pathophysiology, and consulting on the best treatment options. You’re expected to provide feedback and perform periodic structured evaluations.

The position involves meeting with medical students 3 times a week for 4 weeks, for a total time commitment of 48 hours. Half of your time is spent directly teaching students, and the other half on preparatory and administrative tasks.

Teaching Attending Physician

The teaching attending physician oversees patient care in the ICU and CCU while also training medical students, residents, and fellows. You round with the ICU and CCU teams, allowing trainees to present cases during rounds and observing them while they examine patients.

This position requires 96 hours rounding with the teams during the 4-week block and an additional 24 hours for preparatory and administrative tasks.

Simulation Instructor

Simulation instructors lead groups of five medical students in scenarios that demonstrate important aspects of critical care medicine, leadership, and team building. Simulation exercises involve observing each student and providing performance feedback on topics such as airway management and intubation. Each simulation requires three hours of teaching time and four hours of preparation.

Workshop Leader

The workshop leader familiarizes medical students with the principles of acid–base management, respiratory physiology, and ventilation management through interactive formats that demonstrate a variety of ventilator modes. This position requires 1.5 hours of teaching time and 3 hours of preparatory time.

Advanced Medicine Clerkship

During the Advanced Medicine Clerkship, faculty members help medical students and residents mature into functioning clinicians on a general medicine inpatient ward. There are several teaching opportunities available. Contact Seagram M. Villagomez, MD, clerkship director, at for more information.

Team Teaching Attending Physician

Team teaching attending physicians take care of their own service responsibilities while providing guidance to residents and students as they care for patients admitted to the general medical team.

During attending rounds, you observe interns as they present patient cases, take portions of the patient history, and perform components of the physical examination at the bedside. You also provide feedback on and periodic structured evaluations of residents’ performance. This role requires 80 hours of teaching time.

Advanced Medicine Conference Leader

Conference leaders deliver lectures on topics related to the six essential competencies in our MD curriculum, also known as pillars. These pillars are cancer biology, cardiovascular disease, metabolism and obesity, microbial pathogenesis, neurodegenerative diseases, and population health.