Applied Filter:

Joel G. Belasco, PhD

Professor, Department of Microbiology

Andrew Darwin, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology

Heran Darwin, PhD

Professor, Department of Microbiology

Meike Dittmann, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology

Ralf Duerr, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor (Research), Departments of Medicine and Microbiology

Research Keywords

HIV diversity, Superinfection, Immune Responses, Antibody neutralization and binding, Drug Resistance Mutations, HIV Recombinant Forms, HIV infection in Cameroon / West-Central Africa, New emerging strains, Pathogenic CXCR4 tropic HIV-1,

Phone: 212-263-4159

Damian C. Ekiert, PhD

Assistant Professor, Departments of Cell Biology and Microbiology

Edward A. Fisher, MD, MPH, PhD

Professor, Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, Cell Biology, and Microbiology

Michael J. Garabedian, PhD

Professor, Departments of Microbiology and Urology

Ramin Herati, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

Kamal M. Khanna, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology

Nathaniel Landau, PhD

Professor, Department of Microbiology

David E. Levy, PhD

Professor, Departments of Pathology and Microbiology

Ian Mohr, PhD

Professor, Department of Microbiology

Mark J. Mulligan, MD

Professor, Departments of Medicine and Microbiology

Richard Novick, MD

Professor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology

Mila B. Ortigoza, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

Alejandro Pironti, PhD

Director, Microbial Computational Genomic Core Lab

Adam J. Ratner, MD, MPH

Associate Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology

Ana Rodriguez, PhD

Professor, Department of Microbiology

Jonas Schluter, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology

Research Keywords

gut microbiome, massive clinical data sets and the hospitalome, microbial ecology and warfare, evolutionary theory, quorum sensing, machine-learning and Bayesian time series analysis, microbiota, cancer, immunity, immunology

Phone: 212-263-6973

Robert J. Schneider, PhD

Professor, Department of Microbiology

Liat Shenhav, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology

Research Keywords

Computational biology, Mathematical models, Artificial intelligence (AI) , Women and children’s health, Multi-omics, Human microbiome, Human milk, Pregnancy, Lactation, Breastfeeding

Bo Shopsin, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Microbiology

Kenneth Stapleford, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology

Benjamin tenOever, PhD

Director, NYU Langone Virology Institute

C. Theresa Vincent, PhD

Research Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology

Jeffrey N. Weiser, MD

Chair, Department of Microbiology

Angus Wilson, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology

Weimin Zhang, PhD

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Research Keywords

Synthetic genomes, Disease modeling in mouse, COVID-19, Cancer