FACSAria II Self-Service | NYU Langone Health

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Cytometry & Cell Sorting Laboratory Instruments & Services FACSAria II Self-Service

FACSAria II Self-Service

The expert staff at NYU Langone’s Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory provide researchers with access to a FACSAria II self-service flow cytometer. Researchers who wish to reserve time on this instrument must first complete required training.

Reserve this instrument using iLab (Kerberos ID and password required).

FACSAria II Self-Service Flow Cytometer
NYU Langone’s Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory offers a FACSAria II self-service flow cytometer for investigators.

FACSAria II Location

NYU Langone
Joan and Joel Smilow Research Center
522 First Avenue, Room 609B
Phone: 212-263-5907

FACSAria II Optics

4 lasers and 15 colors (see configuration)

FACSAria II Biosafety Level

FACSAria II Sample Preparation

  • Acceptable sample tubes are polypropylene 12 × 75 mm, 15-mL tubes, bullet tubes, or 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tubes.
  • Concentration should be 10–20 × 106 cells per mL (allows for ideal pressure and best use of time).
  • Always bring extra media to dilute if necessary.
  • Filter all samples as close to sorting time as possible.

FACSAria II Sample Collection

Collection tubes should be coated with appropriate media (such as FBS):

  • 4 5-mL (12 × 75 mm) tubes
  • 2 15-mL tubes
  • 4 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tubes
  • well plates (up to 384 wells)
  • 4 “bullet” tubes (1-mL tubes)
  • 4 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tubes
  • slides and cover slips

FACSAria II Nozzle Options

70 µm

This is the default nozzle size.

  • This nozzle can sort 7.6 × 107 total cells per hour; collection volume is ~106 cells in 1 mL.
  • Requires higher pressure (70 psi) and is not ideal for larger or fragile cells.

100 µm

This is not the default nozzle size; it must be changed back to 70 μm when done.

  • It can sort 3.3 × 107 cells per hour; collection volume is ~4 × 105 cells in 1 mL.
  • It is best for large or delicate cells because it uses lower pressure (20 psi).
  • This nozzle is appropriate for stem cells, fibroblasts, neurons, and larger cancer cells.

FACSAria II Tutorials

FACSAria II Self-Serve Quick Guide

FACSAria II Configuration

Self-Service Aria II (5 laser, 18 parameters)

Review the configuration of the FACSAria II below, or access a printable document.

Self Serve Aria II Filter Setup

Self-Service Aria II Filter Setup

Aria II Self-Serve Filter Setup