MS in Biomedical Informatics Mentoring Faculty | NYU Langone Health

MS in Biomedical Informatics MS in Biomedical Informatics Mentoring Faculty

MS in Biomedical Informatics Mentoring Faculty

A team of nationally and internationally recognized NYU Grossman School of Medicine faculty teaches MS in biomedical informatics courses at the Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. Our faculty also act as mentors to students.

Jose O. Aleman, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Research focus: adipose tissue lipidomics (targeted and spatial) and transcriptomics (bulk and single cell); system-level biomedical informatics in the Veterans Affairs population

Souptik Barua, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Research focus: data science, digital Health with focus on wearables and mHealth research, computational modeling, and machine learning and AI for health

Jef D. Boeke, PhD
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Director of Sol and Judith Bergstein, Institute of System Genetics
Research focus: using systems biology to understand mobile elements in the eukaryotic genome

Nadav Brandes, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology; Center for Human Genetics and Genomics
Research focus: Advancing frontier AI technologies, in particular large language models of protein and DNA sequences, to establish links between genetic variation and disease and optimize genomic sequences for therapeutic outcomes

Aravinda Chakravarti, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine and Institute for Systems Genetics
The Muriel G. and George W. Singer Professor of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Neuroscience and Physiology
Director, Center for Human Genetics and Genomics
Research focus: genetic dissection of human complex diseases

Zhe Chen, PhD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Psychiatry, and Neuroscience and Physiology
Research focus: signal processing, machine learning, computational statistics, biomedical and neural engineering, computational neuroscience

Teresa Davoli, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Research focus: applies systematic approaches (computational and experimental) to understand the consequences of genomic copy number alteration in human cancer and normal physiology

David Fenyö, PhD
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Research focus: dynamics of cellular processes

Drew R. Jones, PhD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology and Radiation Oncology
Research focus: multi-omic data integration in large human cohorts, novel algorithm development/scientific programming for metabolomics data analysis, deep-learning of mass spectrometry imaging data / spatial metabolomics

Tomas Kirchhoff, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: identifying the genetic basis of cancer susceptibility

Timothée Lionnet, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Research focus: modeling of nuclear organization and gene expression regulation at the single cell and single molecule levels

Shane A. Liddelow, PhD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Neuroscience and Physiology and Ophthalmology
Research focus: glia, astrocyte, neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, blood-brain barrier

Hakhamanesh Mostafavi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health; Center for Human Genetics and Genomics
Research focus: genetics and biology of complex traits and diseases, statistical and population genetics, functional genomics

Mila B. Ortigoza, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Medicine and Microbiology
Research focus: influenza, SARS-CoV-2

Mia Petljak, PhD
Assistant Professor, Perlmutter Cancer Center and Department of Pathology
Research focus: cancer genomics, leveraging next-generation DNA sequencing and computational approaches, combined with experiments in model systems and human data analyses to study environmental and cell-intrinsic sources of mutations in cancer and human tissues, as well as impact of somatic mutagenesis on aging, cancer development and evolution

Charles S. Peskin, PhD
The Silver Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science, Department of Mathematics, NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Research focus: mathematical modeling and computer simulation for problems arising in biology and medicine

John T. Poirier, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Research focus: lung cancer, neuroendocrine, small cell lung carcinoma, CRISPR-Cas9, patient-derived cancer models, functional genomics, replication stress, virus-host interactions, Schlafen family member 11 (SLFN11), delta like canonical Notch ligand 3(DLL3), patient-derived xenograft (PDX)

Aaditya Rangan, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Research focus: large-scale scientific modeling of physical, biological, and neurobiological phenomena; the development of efficient numerical methods and related analysis

Matthew Rockman, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science
Research focus: evolutionary and molecular causes of heritable variation in animals

Kelly Ruggles, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Research focus: human health and biology through multi-omic integration, data visualization, and mathematical modeling; application and development of informatics methods to inform cancer proteogenomics, lipidomics, and biomarker identification

Jonas Schluter, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology
Research focus: gut microbiome, massive clinical data sets and the hospitalome, microbial ecology and warfare, evolutionary theory, quorum sensing, machine-learning and Bayesian time series analysis

Markus Schober, PhD
Associate Professor, Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology and Department of Cell Biology
Research focus: cancer, developmental genetics, gene regulation, stem cell biology, transcriptional networks

Dennis Shasha, PhD
Professor, Department of Computer Science, NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Research focus: machine learning applied to genomics, proteomics, and causality networks

Mark Siegal, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science
Research focus: evolutionary systems biology, robustness and evolution of complex traits

Matija Snuderl, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology
Director, Molecular Pathology
Research focus: novel biomarkers for diagnosis and therapy

Daniel Tranchina, PhD
Professor, Departments of Biology and Mathematics, NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science
Research focus: computational neuroscience, phototransduction, stochastic problems in cellular and molecular biology, statistical analysis and modeling of genome-scale data

Aristotelis Tsirigos, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology
Research focus: computational genomics

Christine Vogel, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science
Research focus: mass spectrometry, quantitative proteomics, dynamical systems, translation regulation, stress response, protein evolution

Clinical Informatics Mentoring Faculty

Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: information retrieval and machine learning in support of evidence-based medicine

Jonathan S. Austrian, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Associate Chief Medical Information Officer, Inpatient Clinical Informatics
Research focus: clinical decision support

Hayley Belli, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: biostatistics, pragmatic clinical trials, electronic health records analysis, behavioral economics, digital health

Saul Blecker, MD, MHS
Assistant Professor, Departments of Population Health and Medicine
Research focus: epidemiology, outcomes and quality of care for heart failure and related chronic diseases such as diabetes

R. Scott Braithwaite, MD, MSc
Professor, Departments of Population Health and Medicine
Research focus: optimization of quality and value in healthcare, incorporating methods of decision science, comparative effectiveness and cost effectiveness

Yu Chen, PhD, MPH
Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: environmental factors related to the risk of clinical and preclinical endpoints of cancer and cardiovascular disease

Joshua Chodosh, MD
The Michael L. Freedman Professor of Geriatric Research, Department of Medicine
Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: understanding diseases and treatment effectiveness in geriatric populations

Sumit Chopra, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology
Director, Machine Learning Research, Department of Radiology
Research focus: machine learning applied to healthcare, including medical imaging, cardiology, and genomics

John Dodson, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Population Health
Research focus: testing of novel digital health strategies for cardiovascular prevention, use of electronic health records to examine cardiovascular health disparities

Leora Horwitz, MD, MHS
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: systems and practices intended to bridge gaps or discontinuities in care

Eduardo Iturrate, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Senior Director, Data Core, Enterprise Research Informatics and Epic Analytics Health IT Safety Officer
Research focus: pneumonia, viral, coronavirus infections

Stephen Johnson, PhD
Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: clinical research informatics and natural language processing

Joshua D. Lee, MD, MSc
Associate Professor, Departments of Population Health and Medicine
Research focus: novel treatments of addiction, criminal justice populations, re-entry drug treatment, and medical education surrounding substance abuse

Stacy Loeb, MD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Urology and Population Health
Research focus: prostate cancer, prostate-specific antigen, active surveillance, prostate cancer markers, social media and men's health

Yvonne W. Lui, MD
Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Artificial Intelligence, Department of Radiology
Research focus: neuroradiology

Vincent J. Major, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: applied artificial intelligence for clinical applications, model evaluation, and algorithmic fairness

Marina Marin, MSc
Director, Division of Education Analytics
Research focus: translating predictive models into clinical practice and understanding the science and barriers involved

Jennifer McNeely, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Departments of Population Health and Medicine
Research focus: addiction medicine

Richard Niederman, DMD
Professor and Chair, NYU College of Dentistry
Research focus: epidemiology and health promotion

Eric Karl Oermann, MD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Neurosurgery and Radiology
Research focus: neurosurgery, applied mathematics, and artificial intelligence

Jesse B. Rafel, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Assistant Director, UME-GME Innovation, Institute for Innovations in Medical Education
Research focus: using informatics and AI to develop precision medical education that improves how we train doctors and care for patients

Narges Sharif Razavian, PhD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Population Health and Radiology
Research focus: bridging the gap between machine learning and healthcare, in particular, using most advanced computational models to help with clinical research, including biomarker discovery, early detection, care quality control, patient similarity, and prediction of future outcomes

Mark Schwartz, MD
Professor, Departments of Population Health and Medicine
Research focus: Macroscope electronic health record surveillance

Donna Shelley, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health
Research focus: tobacco control policy research, implementation science with a specific focus on studying healthcare systems

Alisa Surkis, PhD, MLS
Translational Science Librarian and Instructor, NYU Health Sciences Library
Research focus: medical center efforts for research resource discovery and research networking

Marc M. Triola, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Associate Dean for Educational Informatics
Director, Institute for Innovations in Medical Education
Research focus: medical informatics, simulation of complex systems, adaptive hypermedia, medical education